Sunday, 09 March 2025


The Honorarium Rewards Program is designed to recognize and reward the valuable contributions of editors and contributors who play an integral role in enriching our platform. Through their efforts in editorial tasks, content creation, and engagement in forum discussions and Q&A sessions, contributors can earn points that translate into tangible rewards and professional recognition.


  1. Foster Collaboration: Encourage active participation from editors and contributors.
  2. Recognize Excellence: Reward high-quality contributions that align with the mission of
  3. Promote Engagement: Increase participation in forum discussions and Q&A sections to build a dynamic knowledge-sharing community.

Points System

Editorial Contributions

Activity Points Earned
Editing an article 10 points
Reviewing and approving contributions 15 points
Creating a new wiki entry 25 points
Updating or expanding an existing article 15 points
Moderating content for accuracy and quality 20 points

Forum and Q&A Contributions

Activity Points Earned
Posting a well-researched answer 10 points
Asking insightful or original questions 5 points
Receiving "Upvotes" on posts or answers 2 points per upvote
Commenting on discussions 2 points
Moderating or organizing forum threads 15 points

Special Contributions

Activity Points Earned
Hosting or facilitating webinars 50 points
Developing multimedia content (e.g., videos, infographics) 40 points
Writing a featured blog post or expert review 30 points
Referring new contributors to 20 points per referral

Reward Tiers

Points Threshold  Honorarium Rewards
500 Points  Certificate of Recognition & 1-year free access to premium resources
1000 Points Exclusive Contributor Badge & $50 honorarium
2500 Points Editor’s Excellence Plaque & $100 honorarium
5000 Points Leadership Recognition Award & $250 honorarium
10000 Points Lifetime Contributor Membership & $500 honorarium

Additional Perks

  • Top Contributors of the Month: Featured on the homepage with a special mention and bonus 50 points.
  • Annual Awards Ceremony: The highest contributors will be recognized with special plaques and prizes.
  • Professional Development: Top contributors gain access to exclusive training sessions, webinars, and editorial workshops.

Implementation and Monitoring

  1. Point Tracking System:

    • A digital dashboard will be integrated into, where contributors can track their points and activity history in real time.
  2. Regular Updates:

    • Quarterly updates will be shared to highlight individual and collective achievements.
  3. Fair Play Policy:

    • Contributions are reviewed by the editorial board to ensure points are awarded fairly based on quality and adherence to guidelines.
  4. Feedback and Improvement:

    • Contributors can provide feedback on the rewards program for continuous enhancement.

This rewards program aligns with's commitment to fostering a collaborative and thriving knowledge environment for child neurology professionals and enthusiasts. Let the contributions begin, and may the points stack up!